Saturday, May 11, 2013

Analysis 5

Myths and stereotypes were the two theories that best represented my topic of zombies in pop culture the best. With most beliefs/myths about zombies, they are generally slow, react mainly to noise, and can only be exterminated by destroying the brain. Another belief or myth about Zombies is that they could be what brings the world to an end, in other words a zombie apocalypse. Stereotypes are generalizations or ideas about a particular group of people that other people classify them as, based on their perception even though the perception is not true amongst the whole group of people (Changing Minds Org, 2013, par.1) Stereotypes among zombies are present in pop culture; most people’s perception of a zombie is a slow, mindless, flesh-eater. However no one really knows what a zombie is because there has never been one, for now it is a fictional character in society. For all we know zombies could be somewhat intelligent, fast, and enjoy vegetables.
The most interesting thing I found out about my pop culture topic was how long zombies have been a part of our society and how they haven’t really changed over time except a little more sophisticated; zombies still have the same basic characteristics that have been influenced by the origins of pop culture.  My thought of zombies in pop culture hasn’t really changed much, I still enjoy the entertainment. However since learning more about zombies from my analysis I believe I will be more aware of how pop culture has influenced zombies in pop culture through the entertainment industry. Zombies are one of our society’s most popular entertainments from movies to books and TV series. Zombies will remain part of our society and who knows maybe over time our perception may change slightly but I will be there to identify the changes.

Changing Minds Organization. (2013). Stereotypes. Retrieved on May 10, 2013 from

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