Friday, April 12, 2013

Pop Culture Icons

The three pop culture icons that I chose are Michael Jordan, Spiderman, and Bill Gates; all three have been a part of my life as well as the rest of the American culture.

 Michael Jordan is a huge American Icon, arguably the greatest player to ever have played the game of basketball. Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball player of all time, I still remember watching him as a kid growing up. My father is a big MJ fan as well he's made me watch games from his younger days, and I gotta say he played with more intensity and heart than any other player I've ever seen. When people discuss how great other players are in the NBA they compare them to Michael Jordan and the level that he played it; he has won more championships than any other player that has played in the NBA. Jordan played college ball at the University of North Carolina where he won a national championship his freshman year and college player of the year his sophomore and junior year. He then went on to be drafted to the Chicago Bulls as the third overall pick in the NBA draft after his junior year. During his time in Chicago he won 6 NBA championships and numerous awards such as MVP, scoring title, finals MVP, all star team selections, as well as rookie of the year, some of these awards he has won more than multiple times. Michael Jordan is considered a God when it comes to basketball because he is the greatest basketball player of all time.

Spiderman is another great pop culture icon, and happens to be my favorite super hero. Ever since I was a little kid I loved spiderman, from the t.v. shows and movies to comic books and merchandise. I actually have a pretty large collection of Marvel spiderman comics and currently own all of the movies. Spiderman devotes his time to fighting crime with the mask on and when it's off he's Peter Parker a wimpy kid, bright, and imaginative but pretty isolated. This is why I think Spiderman is one of the greatest iconic super hero's, he was the super hero that people believed could be them. Spiderman was first introduced by Marvel comic books in 1962 and Marvel has continued to make Spiderman comics ever since, Spiderman even branched off to television and the big screen. Spiderman has won many awards for the comic books and movies throughout it's history and has become one of the most popular super hero's in American culture.

Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world and it is well known, his impact on society is the reason I chose him as one of my pop culture icons. Bill Gates has influenced my life through technology such as the computer program, Microsoft windows. Gates founded Microsoft which is one of the largest computer companies in the world. I only buy Microsoft products such as Xbox, windows 8, Microsoft office, windows phone, and my newest toy, Microsoft Surface. With his wealth he has founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with more than 28 billion dollars dollars to support initiatives throughout the globe in the areas of health and learning (Bellis,2013, par. 8). Bill Gates is one of the greatest computer programers of all time as well as one of the most successful people of all time. Bill Gates has changed society as a whole by helping the world move forward with technological advances that benefit society in various ways such as health and learning. 


Bellis, M. (2013). Bill Gates Biography and History. Retrieved on April 11, 2013 from

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